Fee Manager Tool

Main role: Lead end-to-end design solution based on user insights and business needs.
Main outcome:
30% less incorret payments for partners


99.6% accuracy but still more than a million euros in avoidable corrections.
The main cause for incorrect payments are wrong data entry for contract creation due to misleading user experience and icorrect Affiliate ID (AID) attribution.

I discovered that with:
- User interviews
- 5 Why's exercises
- Problem Tree
- Data analysis


To handle issues in the legacy Tool and incorrect contracts

I discovered that with:
- Data analysis


How might we

- Data entry for contract creation and management
- Data display for AID attribution
- System feedback
- Automatization of the flow


the user

- Creates, edit and approve contracts

- Investigate and correct an error in payments

the Problem by Business side

Long/wrong payment: Partner insatisfaction.
Partner could get paid incorrectly or not even get paid at all.The contract setup is a very sensitive part of the full partner cycle. It is an area that is formed of multiple processes and performed by several teams. Plus there's a huge gap of integration.

I discovered that trought
User interview
User journey mapping
Impact: I identified the problem and aligned the solution with business goals.

Exploring the problem

the Problem by User side

We discovered that trought
User inteview

designing with users

1 - A better visualisation of current contracts
User need: When creating or editing a contract - Garantee there's no overlaps with other contracts at the same period of time.

2 - A better user experience to entry contract data
User need: When creating a contract- Data entry validation to flag errors on contract dates, fee and duplicated Id's before contract is published.

3 - Peer approval system
User need: When publishing a contract - Confidence in the system with right info and validations at approval phase to garantee the contract is correct and without overlaps.

We discovered that trought
How might we exercise
Ideation workshop with PM and team
Prioritization workshop
Collaboration with different groups of stakeholders, presenting the UX Case to leadership.

Defining primary and secondary metrics

- Reduce time to find and correct a payment error [Investigation] from 2 weeks to 1 day.

We discovered that trought
- Metrics exercise with the team  
- Data collection for baseline
- Business objectives aligment

Increase confidence in the new tool from 3.0 to 4.6%

With that set, I started de prototypes
and got to the usability tests, where we had the some findings:

Visualisation problem

some user tests findings

The main user need for the user was to be able to see contracts that overlap dates so they can create and edit wirh confidence of not creating errors. This was solved by system flag, inline validation and clear visualisation all in one place.

We discovered that and many other insights trought
22h of user tests and interviews validating every iteration
A/B testing

Also with the tests, we discovered that users have different visibility needs, so we priotised which persona focus first: the one who creates the contracts as it is the source of the data.

user tests results

The first version didn't have much impact on the problem as expected and has a bigger learning curve.

Visualisation problem

user tests results

The second version using list view, side panel and clear contract structure had much more impact on the user experience

User loved the new integrations and all the system validations so they can do everything whitout leaving the tool.

Create and edit flow problem

A/B test results

The first version was overwhelming for the user and had higher tech cost

User needs:
Easier to check all conflicts the change might create
Too much info for the user
Hard to develop

A/B test results

The second version offer a focus experience with more scalable framework and fast feasibility

User needs:
Flag all possible conflicts
Dedicated page / Focus mode
Using same structure as creation / Less development needed
Support multiple changes

Approval flow problem. Version A

Approval flow problem. Version B


99.72% accuracy due to improved user experience, system feedback/flags, integrations

We solved that with:
- Improved user experience to create, edit and approve a contract
- System flags and validations


We solved that with:
- Automony for the user to create, edit, delete and approve contracts and attributions
- System validations, tons of them
- Tons of API integrations with other tools


With the discovery and research insights I could design a full UX vision for this tool, covering all the user needs, divided by 4 main deliveries for the next 2 years with indications for more research needed and metrics follow-up.
I also built a design library for internal tooling later reference.

With this project I've learned that, as much as the project need an intense discovery, the delivery need to meet the team roadmap. I ned to break the deliveries into short milestones so the team can start working sooner.

My mistakes: The delivery was delayed in a few weeks due to long discovery phase.

Reach out to see more about my UX Process for this project.

About my work

My design work lives at the intersection of modernism & elegant simplicity. Placing emphasis on typography, color, and motion. — My process begins by visualizing an overall narrative for the project, making it impossible to ignore. — I incorporate interaction into my designs because you feel a connection when things move as you’d expect them to.

Open Account
Open Account
Product Design
Open Account
Side menu
Product Design
Open Account
Demand API and Dev Portal
Product Design
Open Account
Fee Manager Tool
Product Design