Hi, I'm Julia, a Designer who loves  System Design

UX Design and Design System mentor and teacher. I am also Figma Community Advocate of Friends of Figma Portugal, member of Vagas UX leading a Podcast and Writer at UX Collective, currently in Amsterdam working at Booking.com.

5 years experience in Product Design

14 years experience in Marketing

Product Design




About my work

My design work lives at the intersection of modernism & elegant simplicity. Placing emphasis on typography, color, and motion. — My process begins by visualizing an overall narrative for the project, making it impossible to ignore. — I incorporate interaction into my designs because you feel a connection when things move as you’d expect them to.

Open Account(soon)
Design system hierarchy
Millenium BCP Bank
UX Design
Accolade Design System (soon)
Design system hierarchy
Millenium BCP Bank
Design System
Side Menu (soon)
Millennium Side menu
Millenium BCP Bank
UX Research



RPD and PRD Please!!
At the discovery phase I will understand the project scope, the business and the user's needs, problems and goals and gather requirements and all important info. I'll fight for a proper discovery, this might take a bit more time but in my experience has aways paid, saving the team tone of time. I also envolve the entire team so we can do discovery together.

I'm very visual. I need everything in a detective board with a redline connecting all the dots and a big question mark on the things I still don't know. By this point I'll have all flows to illustrate all discussions and drive everyone into more actions than just talking.  

Here I gather all stakeholders to discuss pre defined solutions and get new ones, together with risk assessment. With the data I need, I start prototyping with as many people as possible to open our vision about what we can do with the requirement of the project and deadlines.

Some hypothesis in hand, now I start to test, validate and adjust. Than I start to freeze MVPs and next phases to help developers work.

Since I envolve developers since the beginning I don't call this phase a handoff because we are still working together on errors, use cases and etc. So I alo participate as much as possible on the development, Q&A and bug bash.

I like to share to the work work done. A lot.
So I'll help the team to share our work and have all next steps very clear in a vision.
I also start following all metrics we have defined.



About my education:

2022 -
Master Degree in Creative Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Lisbon Not finished

2021 - Design System Specialist Meiuca

2021 - Design System & Ops Meiuca

2020 - UX Researcher, Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods Mergo Education

2020 - UX Design EDIT Education

2019 - Graduation in Process ManagementEstácio de Sá - FIC

2022 —  UX Designer

at Booking.com in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

As a UX Designer in Strategic Partnerships I'm responsible for partner facing products such as white-label solutions for partnerships business and designing a vision for those products.
I'm leading a vision for internal tooling framework
I am the co-lead of a initiatve to share UX work inside the Design community.
I'm collaborating with the Design System team as a Product Library owner and as a education contributor.
I designed the experience for Booking Demand API landing page and Developer Portal first version.

2022 —  Design System Teacher

at Tangível Academy in Lisbon, Portugal

2022 —  UX Design Teacher

at Edit Lisbon

2021 —  Product Designer / Design Systems

At Millennium bcp Bank in Lisbon, Portugal

2020 —  Figma Community Lead/Advocate

Friends of Figma Portugal

2020 —  UI/UX Designer

At AJulio Group in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal

2019 —  Web Designer

At IMUT in Cairo, Egypt

2018 —  Web Designer and Marketing Analyst

At Kirash in Fortaleza, Brazil

2017 —  Creative Director

At TM Mídia in Tianguá, Brazil